Time based markup

Sandy Ressler (sressler@oops.ncsl.nist.gov)
Fri, 08 Dec 1995 15:00:52 -0500 (EST)

Has any consideration been given to an examination of
HyTime ...the SGML based markup standard (a formal
ISO standard at that) for the markup and handling of
multiple media elements.

Sandy Ressler

NAME: Sandy Ressler TELE: (301) 975-3549
USMAIL: National Institute of Standards and Technology FAX: (301) 208-9371
Bldg. 225 Rm A216 EMAIL: sressler@nist.gov
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

WEB: http://www.nist.gov/itl/div878/ovrt/people/sressler/sressler.html
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