Re: Bottom line on ActiveVRML
Hadi Partovi (
Fri, 8 Dec 95 11:51:43 PST
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Message-ID: red-20-msg951208195254MTP[01.51.00]000000c2-3476
> Just because AV is 4D does not make it VR.
I think there are many people out there (especially those less familiar
with the technology) who would be confused by the distinction, but your
point is well taken.
> There is a MIME spec
> proposal which includes both 3D and 4D (and higher) data types.
> VRML is a subtype in this spec. There are other 3D and 4D
> objects also.
Scott, the ActiveVRML team is still considering what MIME type to use
for ActiveVRML files, and I personally think it is better not to use
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