Re: Bottom line on ActiveVRML
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:53:44 -0800

>Any name suggestions out there? Because AV is a 4D modeling language,
>it really is a natural extension for the VRML 3D modeling language.

Just because AV is 4D does not make it VR. There is a MIME spec
proposal which includes both 3D and 4D (and higher) data types.
VRML is a subtype in this spec. There are other 3D and 4D
objects also.

Scott Nelson


+----------------------------------------------------+ |Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 | |Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 | |email: | +----------------------------------------------------+

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