RE: Bottom line on ActiveVRML

Colin Campbell (
Fri, 8 Dec 95 10:45:45 TZ

Message-ID: red-41-msg951208184852MTP[01.51.00]000000a4-31774

| From: Mike McCue <>
| To: Colin Campbell
| Cc: <>
| Subject: Bottom line on ActiveVRML
| Date: Friday, December 08, 1995 3:15AM
| Colin Campbell at Microsoft writes:
| >ActiveVRML is a 4D representation, just like VRML is a 3D representation.
| >...
| >To put it another way, why not use Java or C to implement drawing
| >commands and skip VRML altogether? The answer of course is that having
| >a representation is a Good Thing
| This is an *excellent*, bottom line summary of what ActiveVRML
| is all about. Even though
| there is overlap with VRML in some aesas, it is extremely
| unfortunate that MS chose to name
| this otherwise well thought out proposal by attaching the VRML
| suffix. The name alone will
| cause many misconceptions, not to mention flat out rejections
| due to the highly charged
| political nature of the letters V-R-M-L.
| Given that MS is saying that their proposal is meant to
| represent any collection of data
| types over time, I suggest we consider ActiveVRML for what it really
is: a time based
| markup language for groups of static data types.
| - mike

Any name suggestions out there? Because AV is a 4D modeling language,
it really is a natural extension for the VRML 3D modeling language.


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