Re: ANN: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft

Mike Wray (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 17:21:39 GMT

The ActiveVRML proposal from Microsoft is not `yet another language'.
It's a familiar one, at least to computer scientists in the UK.
It bears a striking resemblance to Standard ML from Edinburgh University.

There are syntactic differences, but the notions of type inference,
polymorphism, higher order functions and pattern matching appear to
be those of SML, as originated by Robin Milner. This being the case I
would have expected acknowledgement of Robin Milner and the debt due to SML.
SML is the result of many years of work and was awarded the
British Computer Society Award for Technical Achievement in 1987.

The report "Introduction to Standard ML" (374KB PostScript) is at

Other SML info is on the web at

Further information on SML can be found in the reports listed at
under Milner, Robin.

See also

There is a newsgroup:

There is an MIT press book:

The Definition of Standard ML

Robin Milner
Mads Tofto
Robert Harper

ISBN 0-262-13255-9 1990 cloth $30.00
ISBN 0-262-63132-6 paper $15.00

| | Mike Wray |
| | Hewlett-Packard Laboratories |
| | Filton Road |
| | Stoke Gifford |
| Phone +44 117 9228262 | Bristol BS12 6QZ |
| Fax +44 117 9228003 | UK |

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