Re: LANG: repeating textures

Christopher Fouts (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:45:58 -0500

On Dec 8, 2:28pm, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> Subject: Re: LANG: repeating textures
) The way I understand it is that I _SHOULD_N'T_ need to specify
anything to get this
) thing working properly. It is ONE image pasted on ONE orthogonal
face. It should stretch,
) squeeze whatever the image on the face and that would be it! But it
wont :-(
) Any ideas?

I don't believe the default texture coordinate mapping for
IndexedFaceSets is spec'd out anywhere. Assuming that all of your
orthogonal faces are defined the same way:

Coordinate3 {
point [ minX minY Z,
maxX minY Z,
maxX maxY Z,
minX maxY Z,
IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1]

You could simply define

TextureCoordinate2 {
point [ 0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1 ]

before any of the IndexedFaceSets. They would all inherit the same
texture coordinate mapping. Since no textureCoordIndex values were
specified in the IndexedFaceSet, the coordIndex values should be used
instead (at least that's how webspace does it).

I tried this with your data and it seems to work. The connection is
bad and some of the textures timed out so I can't verify that all
worked. But it looks like the 6 I could download are mapped properly.
Looks pretty cool.


Chris Fouts, SGI, Atlanta, GA -- Email: Vmail: 5-8714 -- Fone: (770)-475-0464 -- Phax: (770)-475-4414

"The way this day has gone, I'm surprised I remembered to put on my pants this morning. Oh great, how long has my fly been open?"

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