Re: Fwd: A method to achieve: RE: Curved Light

Robert A Schmitt (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:16:44 -0500 (EST)

> But hell, this would be REALLY trivial to implement. What if you simply took
> the X and Y components in screen space of the normal vector, and multiplied
> them with (picking a number out of thin air) -20, and grabbing the pixel at
> the rssulting location, scaling it a little (using the Z component of the
> normal as frssnel equation faking - he he) and you're off?

You could build a 3D texture that stores your scalings and cycles through each
2D slice to provide your rippling. You could build this once and apply it at
run-time. OpenGL supports this through the glTexImage3DEXT for the
RealityEngine, VTX, and Impact systems. Not available in Inventor|VRML though,
or stencil planes either.

Robert A. Schmitt RESolution Graphics Inc.
Information Visualization Consulting

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