Re: ANNOUNCE: Please test my VRML Tube Ride
Christopher Fouts (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 09:32:31 -0500
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On Dec 7, 3:17pm, Bryan J Smith wrote:
> Subject: ANNOUNCE: Please test my VRML Tube Ride
) I would appreciate it if some folks could test my file and give me
) feedback and config. The tube ride works best with a browser that
) like WebFX. Thanks in advance.
Webspace has trouble with the lights. Although I don't see it
specified in the 1.0 spec, I believe valid ranges for a light's
intensity is 0.0 (no light) to 1.0 (maximum illumination). Who's
keeping the list of clarifications? Bernie?
All but one of your lights in the scene have intensities greater than
1, with the DirectionalLight stepping in at a cornea frying 100. Also,
you may want to reduce the number of lights in your scene for
performance reasons since they (particularly point lights) are somewhat
expensive on many architectures, at least for those that pay attention
to multiple lights.
Chris Fouts, SGI, Atlanta, GA -- Email:
Vmail: 5-8714 -- Fone: (770)-475-0464 -- Phax: (770)-475-4414
"The way this day has gone, I'm surprised I remembered
to put on my pants this morning. Oh great,
how long has my fly been open?"
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Mr 'Zap' Andersson: "Re: Fwd: A method to achieve: RE: Curved Light"
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Christopher Fouts: "Re: ANNOUNCE: Please test my VRML Tube Ride"