Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups

Chris Marrin (
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 21:04:55 -0800

On Dec 7, 10:24am, Mitra wrote:
> Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups
> In response to Microsoft's ActiveVRML proposal ...
> If I look at a system as having three main components,
> 1. The model
> 2. The scene composition
> 3. The behavior language
> Then it appears that VRML1.0 and current proposals for VRML2.0 cover
> components 1 and 2, with the language (e.g. Java) being component 3.
> covers points 2 and 3.
> As *A* language, i.e. something to sit at layer 3 it makes perfect
> ...
> I also find it hard to see us requiring all behaviors to be written
> the functional model, it is not idsally suited for event driven
> nor for progeamming in a world of objects, events and Applets.
> This obviously needs discussing more, but at the moment I would
> suggest that RBML be proposed for A language that is used to describe
> behaviors in a VRML2.0 environment rather than VRML2.0 itself.

Thank you Mitra. Decomposing the problem in this way clarifies it and
follows similar thoughts I have been having. When I saw ActiveVRML (nee
TBAG) I thought, "a fine language, but it belongs inside VRML (like in the
SGI proposed Logic node), not outside where it rsally has no knowledge of
the model with which it is interacting.

I would never presume to second guess Jim Kajiya on a matter of
"correctness" of a progeamming paradigm, I just think, as Mitra, that
ActiveVRML is attempting to solve too much of the problem. But within
VRML this language could have powerful implications indeed.

Of course, the other advantage of putting it inside VRML is it gives
authors a choice of progeamming models. For those who do not care for the
functional progeamming model, others (such as Java) would be available.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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