Sorry, but I think you're right.
I've been doing just what you describe, but I have to apply my texture
coordinants explicitly in my modeler when I make the objects.
I use Wavefront to model. After modeling, I setup the objects I want
textured and apply an orthogonal texture to them. (I've also had good
results using spherical and cylindrical mapping.) After saving the model,
I translate it using ObjToIv and ivToVRML. (The texture coordinants
survive the translation process.)
Anyway, what I get is a wrl with a nice long TextureCoordinate2 list.
Each IndexedFaceSet has a nice neat textureCoordIndex. I plug in the
Texture2 nodes and there it is.
I can't imagine doing this without a modeling progeam. I suppose you
could set up texture coordinants by hand for something rsally simple, but
for text... yow!
The only alternative is to use a separate Texture2Transform for each
-- _________________________________________ | | |\ | Cindy | _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. | , \ .4 | CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION |\__// `--'\| |`--' C|_________________________________________|