RE: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups

Scatt (
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 17:35:41 -1000

I totally want to agree with you, Randy. Although I am not a progeammer =
of VRML or any language for that matter (yet) but acting as end-user, I =
feel that just because Microsoft is the monopoly of the OS world, and =
has the $$, they shouldn't just assume or set the standards. Of course, =
if they work closely with the progeammers in the market (YOU guys) out =
there testing... rs-testing.. etc.. and coordinate with everyone on the =
actual progeamming, then maybe they will have something useful..

Keep up those BETA tests, MS!

Very well put, Randy.


From: Randy Stiles[]
Sent: December 07, 1995 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics =


>> From:
>> Cc: <>
>> Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 06:53:39 -0800
>> >Is this a Microsoft-SGI alliance?
>> no. =20

I believe we all should evaluate the proposals on technical merit,
quit assuming that Microsoft will be able to dictate what goes on, and
discontinue attacking Microsoft. We shouldn't be afraid to
incorporate any good technical approaches we find in their proposal,
nor should Microsoft assume that their entire ActiveVRML proposal will
become VRML 2.0 de facto, just because they are Microsoft.

Onward and upward, not backward nor sideways,


// Randy Stiles Office: 415.354.5256 Orgn 9620 Bldg =
// Fax: 415.354.5235 3251 Hanover =
// Lockheed Martin Lab: 415.424.2690 Palo Alto, CA =

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