Re: A small comment on ActiveVRML

Jim Kajiya (
Thu, 7 Dec 95 18:30:22 PST

Message-ID: rsd-60-msg951208023125MTP[01.51.00]000000a5-2354


My mailer seems to have garbled your message a bit, but
I believe that your central observation is:

>There is just one thing that is well-known to be difficult to
>represent in purely functional systems: interaction with the
>stateful world outside.
May I suggest that we continue this thesad when you see how the
progeamming languages interface works with AV? It will be out
soon and may make clear that, at least in the restricted case of mixing
behavior values with imperative progeams, the solution is quite natural.

>P.S. Could you please provide the spec proposal in a portable
>format? Every PostScript interpreter (Adobe and non-Adobe) that
>I've tried so far complains of errors in the PostScript generated by
>MS Word.

I'll pass this on to the people who are releasing this.
Thanks for alerting us to this problem, Paul.

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