RE: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 06:53:27 -0800
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Take a look at our web site and at our proposal -- it should be online
around 10:00am PST. This project is the result of years of research
involving some of the best known people in computer graphics. As with any
other VRML proposal, it should be evaluated first on its technical merit.
From: Richard Tilmann[]
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups
> Last week some of us working on graphics at Microsoft sent out a VRML
> 2.0 proposal. We've gotten approval to offer this proposal as an
> open standard, including a complete implementation in source code
So ... tell us ... is this the evil empire's first attempt to take over?
Or did they actually collaborate with anyone else on this?
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Paul Burchard: "OOPS! (Re: A small comment on ActiveVRML)"
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