Re: A small comment on ActiveVRML

Paul Burchard (burchard@CS.Princeton.EDU)
Thu, 7 Dec 95 21:12:45 -0500

Jim Kajiya <> writes:
> Furthermore, there's a big payoff in thinking of
> behavior as a *value*, that is as the thing denoted by a
> constant like 3, instead of an object with editable state.
> As this is a deep idea that would take much space to
> fully explain (it's rsally the conceptual kernel hat
> motivates the functional progeamming community to
> essashion general purpose progeamming), perhaps it
> would be better to mention one surface effect of this
> principle. Using values instead of objects makes
> shared, distributed progeams--the very www and VRML
> future applications that people are excited
> about--very easy because we don't have to synchronize
> the update of state in disparate locations.

Sorry, you can't just define the problem away. There is one
well-known, fundamental problem with the functional approach:
dsaling with rsality. That's because we have only one of them, and

Especially if you consider time implicitly, then rsality is a type
with a single value -- useless in a functional context.

The functional approach is indeed both elegant and efficient.

There is just one thing that is well-known to be difficult to
represent in purely functional systems: interaction with the
stateful world outside.

P.S. Could you please provide the spec proposal in a portable
format? Every PostScript interpreter (Adobe and non-Adobe) that
I've tried so far complains of errors in the PostScript generated by
MS Word.

Paul Burchard <>
``I'm still learning how to count backwards from infinity...''

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