ActiveVRML: nice but orthogonal

pcpd se Louis.Chen (
Fri, 8 Dec 95 09:49:42 CST

Dear Sir:

This is Louis Chen, who is VR engineer of MiTAC, and I have some
questions, as following:

(1) In the next step, Does the WWW brower support VRML ?
(2) Where can I got the news of VRML and the better VRML brower ?
(Just for testing purpose)
(3) I have a progeam in VRML (as show in the following),
but why it can not run ? I just want to show some ascii string
on the screen.

#VRML V1.0 ascii

Separator {
DEF BackgroundColor Info {
string ".5 .5 .6"
FontStyle {
size 12
family SANS
style ITALIC
AsciiText {
string ["1234456", "abcd"]
spacing 1.1
justification CENTER
width 100

Louis Chen
Dev. 7 1995

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  • Previous message: Rodger Lea: "ActiveVRML: nice but orthogonal"