Re: Searching for objects inside a VRML world? Dynamic updating of worlds.

Clay Graham (
Thu, 07 Dec 1995 15:55:33 -0800

Use Inventor 2.1

SoSearchAction - searches for nodes in a scene graph

SoAction > SoSearchAction

#include <Inventor/actions/SoSearchAction.h>

enum LookFor {
SoSearchAction::NODE Search for a particular node (by
SoSearchAction::TYPE Search for a particular type of node
SoSearchAction::NAME Search for a node with a particular name

enum Interest {
SoSearchAction::FIRST Return only the first path found
SoSearchAction::LAST Return only the last path found
SoSearchAction::ALL Return all paths found

Methods from class SoSearchAction:

void setNode(SoNode *n)
SoNode * getNode() const
void setType(SoType t, SbBool derivedIsOk = TRUE)
SoType getType(SbBool &derivedIsOk) const
void setName(const SbName &n)
const SbName & getName() const
void setFind(int what)
int getFind()
void setInterest(Interest interest)
Interest getInterest() const
void setSearchingAll(SbBool flag)
SbBool isSearchingAll() const
SoPath * getPath() const
SoPathList & getPaths()
void reset()

Methods from class SoAction:

virtual void apply(SoNode *node)
virtual void apply(SoPath *path)
virtual void apply(const SoPathList &pathList, SbBool
obeysRules =
static SoType getClassTypeId()
virtual SoType getTypeId()
virtual SbBool isOfType(SoType type)
virtual void invalidateState()

"Just as Michaelangelo saw David in stone, we too use the virtual 
environment, to discover, crsate and explore our dreams and visions." 
           *- -*
Clay Graham			Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
VRML Architect                  2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.		MS 14L-912
415/390-2495			Mt. View, CA  94039

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