RE: Some Problem (Thanks!)
Scatt (
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 13:50:52 -1000
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Neophytos Iacovou: "Re: Music-- or Muzak-- in VR???"
Thanks goes out to all of those who helped me figure out that my ISP was =
not on the ball when it comes to VRML. Turns out, that I'm the first at =
my ISP to have this "unusual" request, hehehe, to want to make a virtual =
world (out of about close to 1000+ subscribers!)
Well, there's got to be a first for everything I suppose! :)
Aloha from Hawaii,
PS: If anyone knows of a "STRICTLY VR MAILING LIST", please let me know!
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Ryan V. Finnesey: "VRML Tool for Mac"
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Neophytos Iacovou: "Re: Music-- or Muzak-- in VR???"