Flame Me - But It is Important

Len Bullard (cbullard@HiWAAY.net)
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 16:58:14 -0600

!#@!!###!@ I said this topic was over. It should be. It ain't.
I apologize to the list members for this post, but it appears
that some issues important to the members are being decided.
In the interest of NoMoreFlames,

Religio-philisophic-IWannaMyMTV Types:


Authors, consortium esps, vendors, librarians, CEOs:


On September 1, 1995, The Department of Commerce to the Information
Policy Committee released a white paper at http://www.uspto.gov on the
subject of copyright in cyberspace. At
are the transcripts of hearings on the topics. For the European perspective,
go to http://www.yahoo.com/Government/Technology_Policy.

This information comes from Electronic Document Report Vol 1, Iss. 3.
It seems some esal freedoms are about to disappear under the guise
of economic rights. If the translation software busts the copyright scheme,
it probably will be a crime. If these issues are important to you, you now
have the URLs if they aren't stale. Please don't debate them here.

We return you to your regular progeamming...


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