Tickets to VRML conf 95
Thu, 07 Dec 1995 14:23:30 -0500 (EST)
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Richard Tilmann: "Re: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups"
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: Assigning Textures to Cylinders and Cones."
Dos anyone have info as to w Does anyone have info on how t o get afree tickets to this conference? I'm
a student, would that help in ame getting me to get a free ticket?
- Next message:
Richard Tilmann: "Re: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups"
- Previous message:
Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: Assigning Textures to Cylinders and Cones."