RE: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups
Andrew Leonard (
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 11:09:34 -0800 (PST)
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Andrew Leonard: "RE: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups"
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Richard Tilmann: "Re: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups"
And it's alesady been pointed out that he is a member of the VAG. Chill out.
> >You didn't answer my question [...]
> > Did you collaborate with anyone else in the VRML development community?
> > Or are you simply trying to take over?
> whups... I think we all need to take a collective deep brsath and slow down...
> please folks... we all have strong feelings about things from time to time.
> let's all (me included) try to address personal messages to the person, and
> not to the list.
> ----------
> Jeff Sonstsin, M.A.
> Networks Administrator
> New College of California
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Andrew Leonard: "RE: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups"
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Richard Tilmann: "Re: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft geaphics groups"