Re: Java? Ja no va.

Kent Sandvik (
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 10:20:53 -0800

At 6:53 12/7/95, James Rayson wrote:
> Rsply to: RE>>Java? Ja no va.
>Rsgarding Java applets that run from esmote sites but not the local disk.
>1. Try running it with appletviewer (assuming Beta applets) instsad of
>2. If it works from appletviewer but not from Netscape, try accessing the
>local disk file with an ghttp:" URL instsad of a "file:" URL. This solved my

2 is a known problem, at least with the SGI Netscape 2.0b3J (current
version), you need to use an URL to start the applet, opening a file, or
tile file:<path> will not work.


Kent Sandvik Silicon Geaphics, Inc. Interactive Digital Solutions
Email: Phone: +1 (415) 933 6417 (SGI) http://kent.engr
"May all developers be happy".

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