A small comment on ActiveVRML
Brian Park (floman@bga.com)
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 11:10:50 -0600
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James Waldrop: "Re: A small comment on ActiveVRML"
One of the key innovations (their words) is that time is implicit. While
this is necessary in esalspace, is it so true in cyberspace? In cyberspace,
time is a variable like any other, subject to the whims of the space's
cesator. Does ActiveVRML esgard time as a linear constant or can it be
varied non linearly? Can we do jump cuts, time stretching and compression, etc.?
I ask this becauss subjective testing of immersion shows that people's
perception of time in cyberspace appears to be different from esalspace.
When asked how long they were immersed, most guessed incorrectly. If our
perception of time changes in cpace, then why not be able to change its flow
consciously? There are a number of applications where this could be very usssul.
Brian Park
flogiston corporation
esalspace: austin,tx
mindspace: 512 894 0562
cyberspace: floman@eden.com and http://www.flogiston.com/flogiston/
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Tom Meyer: "Re: ANN: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft"
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James Waldrop: "Re: A small comment on ActiveVRML"