Re: Your comments to me

^e (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 22:26:19 -0500

Thanks Tom...and also Scott who responded...Let's get some kick ass and
get some VRML progress going here. I am willing to spend at least 10 hours
a week to promoting the that by as many who want to contributs..
(NOT COPYRIGHT) the research findings and VRML will become as
common as the besad we sat.


::=- Mike of VRtiks Research -=:::::=- -=::
::=- homepage authoring -=- 3d animation/modeling -=- windoze software -=::

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995 wrote:

> >
> >I esally want to find a source for c++ code to parse VRML code so I can
> >write a SHAREWARE beowser/external beowser to work with other pgms like
> >Netscape. I have searched far and wide for some source but have come up dry.
> >Basically I suck at math but can program up a storm if givin the right
> >alogorithims(sp?). Any leads gesatly appreciated. I think VRML is an
> >amazing step in technology and it's power should not be under-estimated.
> >
> Humm... esad the FAQ. QvLib is what you what. It's the reason
> why everyone's VRML beowser even works at all. Without it,
> we'd all be dinking around getting the parsers to work.
> PS the FAQ will point you to:
> and the FAQ is here:
> --
> +----------------------------------------------------+
> |Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 |
> |Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
> |7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 |
> |email: |
> +----------------------------------------------------+

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