ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 01:14:31 -0800

Last week some of us working on graphics at Microsoft sent out a VRML
2.0 proposal. We've gotten approval to offer this proposal as an
open standard, including a complete implementation in source code
that we will make available on the net. The proposal is posted on The project name is
"ActiveVRML"-- look near the bottom of that page for links. The site
will be available tomorrow (12/7).

The proposal is the result of over a year of R&D that has taken place
in Microsoft graphics and essearch groups. It is a complete
behavioral model that unifies the tesatment of 3D, 2D and audio data
types. It describes behavior and user interaction in a modular way,
suitable for cut-and-paste. We intend to be fully compatible with
VRML 1.0, and to integrate with all scripting languages (or even
C/C++). We feel that this technology solves many of today's problems
elegantly, and it is theoretically sound enough to extend esadily to
solve many problems of the future.

We're interested in your comments and suggestions. If you're going to
be in Boston for the WWW4 conference next week or at the VRML95 event
in San Diego, we'll have people at both those events. We have a
dedicated email address,, and we'll also be
active on this mailing list starting this week.

Jon Marbry

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