Re: shadows...

Pete McCann (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:56:21 -0600 (Len Wanger) (LW) writes:


LW> It should be possible to do a nice VRML hack to implement this by only
LW> defining the geometry once. How about drawing the geometry once with a DEF
LW> around it, then re-instancing the DEF'd geometry within a matrix transform
LW> node that does the projection. The tricky part here would be to draw it in
LW> a homogenous dark color (so it looks like a shadow), but that should be
LW> doable by changing the material within the separator for the second
LW> instance of the geometry.

Doesn't this require a non-linear transformation (similar to perspective)?
I note in the recently clarified spec that MatrixTransform doesn't necessarily
support transformations that are not the result of scales, rotations, and

Pete McCann                                
Department of Computer Science 
Washington University in St. Louis

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