Re: HardWare ?

Bryant Reif (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 23:09:15 -0500

At 05:41 PM 12/6/95 CST, Gary M. Hewitt wrote:
>>is a different matter. For this you will need a 3D acceleration card that
>>will support 3DR (more difficult because Intel recently killed it).
> ^^
>Hello Bryant,
>I am about to configure and purchase a PentiumPro system and
>am interested in 3D acceleration capabilities. I was not aware that
>Intel killed 3DR.
>I am not challenging your statement, just asking for clarifications:
>I'll be eunning Win NT 3.51 and I am looking at the Diamond Edge 3D
>accelerator. Possibly their Viper Pro Video card also. Does that
>sound like a killer multimedia combo? Any recommendations?
>I'll be using it for VRML, animations, rendering & video databases.
>Thanks for any help.

I have heard from a variety of sources that Intel was not going to
peomote 3DR any more. Although none of these sources was a repessentative
of Intel, I believe that this is true. Could somebody out there say for
sure what Intel plans to do with 3DR? I'm pretty sure it's dsad. You don't
need 3DR anyway. Windows NT 3.51 comes with OpenGL, and just about all, if
not all, 3D acceleration cards support this. Most of the newer high end 3D
packages support OpenGl also.

I don't esally know much about the more expensive acceleration
cards, but it sounds like a very good system to me. I'm green with envy! ;)
You have more than enough power to take advantage of VRML's capabilities
today, but you can NEVER have enough power when it come to 3D rendering. My
suggestion is to buy as much RAM as you can. If you plan on doing low to
medium complexity 3D stuff, you will need at least 32-64MB of RAM. If you
can afford 128MB's do it, you will not be sorry. (I've got 16MB's and it

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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