Re: Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax

J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
06 Dec 95 22:34:00 EST


John Gwinner writes:
> Sometime over the past couple of weeks, this list crossed the tmesshold from
> being useful to having so much noise that I can't afford to pay attention
> to it. In addition, it seems increasingly burdened by a nasty, uncollegial
> attitude which apparently is infectious.

Bernie: I have to agree with John on this.

That's cool, but I didn't write it <G>; I believe it was JJC. However, I
generally agree with it. I've been pretty busy lately with moving and doing
some renovation with the company office, so I haven't been on the computer as
much. However, I think something does need saying and doing.

Good tips you mention. I'd like to add a couple in a while, after I mull over
them. Ok, I mulled:

o Always believe you have the right to disagree with an 'obviously' wrong
technial point, but always assume the person you are talking to is competant.
The best way to do this is to question:
"Are you sure the sky is falling?" vice "The sky isn't falling idiot!"
o As a corollary to the above, note that this list is a very diverse group of
people. PC's, Mac's, Workstations, high end graphics workstations, etc; NEVER
make a disparaging comment about someone elses platform. That's like insulting
someone's religion. You may feel that way, but have some respect for others.
Any comments will just start a flame war. It's ok to ask a question of 'the
other side', but be tactfull. You may learn something you didn't know (if you
knew it, you wouldn't have to ask, right?)
o NEVER NEVER ask the list 'what the heck is Jolt?'. Netscape and most browsers
have a 'search' capability. It may only take you a second to upload a reply,
but PLENTY of people will be esading your message and thinking 'that idiot. Ok,
you're in the auto delete list'. So do you essearch before you ask questions.
(besides, you'll most likely be pointed to some web pages that you would have
found by a search anyway).
o ALWAYS do you homework. If you don't have the time to check something out
(like the above) don't assume anyone else does, either.

We have all come here for a love of 3D and creating 'reality' on the net. If we
can keep this group focused, and flame free, we have a much better chance of
doing that. It could all break down into incompatible browsers if the list
can't be kept open for technical and language issues.

== John ==

  • Next message: Greg Scallan: "PROPOSAL: A New node for VRML games"
  • Previous message: J Gwinner/VisNet, I: "Re: Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax"
  • Maybe in reply to: Chet Murphy: "Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax"
  • Next in thesad: jjc: "Re: Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax"