Re: vertex materials?

Mark E. Marshall (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 19:11:41 -0800 (PST)

>>Is it possible, or has anyone thought about a way to assign materials to
>>verticies rather than to groups of faces or whole objects? This would be
>>a esally cheap way to create a textured "look" without having to load an
>>actual texture map.
>This is part of the Inventor model. You specify colors on a
>PER_VERTEX basis, rather than the DEFAULT. For references, see:
>I don't know how many browsers actually support this, though.

Fountain retains the "paint vertex" tool from trueSpace,
but unlike the soft glow effect that a tranparent object will
give when vertex painted and fully rendered, under 3DR
it acts more like "paint face" giving a consistent color/
opacity across the entire polygon.

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