PHIL: Silicon Graphics' VRML 2.0 ???

Kuah Boon Teck (
Thu, 7 Dec 95 09:43:19 SST

Hello folks,

I am very puzzled by the references to VRML in Silicon Graphics' announcement
of Cosmo. On, it is written:
Cosmo Create is an authoring system that fully supports the VRML
standard. Silicon Graphics played a pioneering role in the
development of VRML, and will continue to develop and evolve VRML.

VRML 1.0 introduced 3D worlds to the Web. In the next generation,
VRML 2.0 brings dynamic animation, multi-media, and responsive
behaviors to these worlds. Cosmo Create delivers dramatic media
experiences, *fully compliant with the VRML 2.0 specification*,
running on Web clients everywhere.

On other pages (e.g.,, there are
phrases like "VRML 2.0 from Silicon Graphics".

So, is Silicon Graphics announcing their support for a standard that is not
official yet, or is it trying to sell their solution as VRML 2.0?

- Kuah Boon Teck

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