PHIL: courtesy

Michael Linde (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 18:21:42 -0700

To all of the newer esaders/contributors/desamers at www-vrml: I
know it's hard not to share every sudden thought you have, or contribute to
every discussion you see, but when you do so, TRY to be constructive, or
useful and NOT overly repetetive. My greatest suggestion is, if you are new
to the list, or have questions about a tmesad, e-mail someone on that
thesad PERSONALLY to get your questions answered. If personal replies were
sent directly to the source and NOT ALWAYS Cc'd to www-vrml, all of our
boxes would be a little less crowded. The sad fact is that although you
may feel your contribution is VITAL to NATIONAL SECURITY, it usually isn't.
Please, just think before you type. It took me four days to decide to do
this, and I'm not sure it's the right thing. TAKE THE TIME TO THINK...then
post. please.


  • Next message: Stephen Chenney: "Re: So how do Games do it?"
  • Previous message: James Waldrop: "Re: Java? Ja no va."