Re: Java? Ja no va.
James Waldrop (
Wed, 06 Dec 1995 13:48:26 -0800
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"Marc de Groot" wrote:
>Oh, well. Like I said, wake me up when it works peoperly. In the meantime,
>I'll continue to work with Meme to implement virtual worlds. It uses a
>platform-independent byte code, just like Java, but it's been around for
>quite a bit longer and is in more solid shape.
Err, it *is* working, just not in your particular instance.
If you're just trying to advertise Meme, why don't you do that. And you
can wake *us* up when Netscape decides to license Meme.
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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James Waldrop: "Re: Java? Ja no va."
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Jason Hirsch: "Problem with attitude"