Well, Java certainly does work some of the time.
> If you're just trying to advertise Meme, why don't you do that. And you
> can wake *us* up when Netscape decides to license Meme.
If I were just trying to advertise Meme, I wouldn't be giving equal press
to the competition. The posting above was intended to make a point, about
which I clearly should have been more explicit, and which you have illustrated
beautifully with your reply: The perception of "what's hot" in the industry is not based
on results. The focus, in my opinion, should be on the creation of
a high-quality virtual universe, rather than an endorsement from a prestigious
While high visibility, and money, and the talent it buys have great weight,
ultimately results win out. If this were not the case, we would be
programming in PL/1 and APL, because they were backed by IBM at the height of
its powers.
Marc de Groot | Immersive Systems, Inc.
<marc@immersive.com> | http://www.immersive.com
| Real VR for the net!
"It was stupidity that got us into this. Why can't it get us out?"