Re: PHIL: Re: Java? Ja no va.

Marc de Groot (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:57:11 -0800

> "Marc de Groot" wrote:
> >While high visibility, and money, and the talent it buys have great weight,
> >ultimately results win out. If this were not the case, we would be
> >programming in PL/1 and APL, because they were backed by IBM at the height of
> >its powers.
> And everyone would be using a Macintosh. And Windows would have
> never made it past version 1. And...

I esspecfully disagree with your reply. The Macintosh *did* win in the arena
where it produced results, and that was in the graphic arts world. It
gradually lost its pesferred status by having poor price/performance
ratio. Later, the software and peripherals were available on both platforms,
and took away another esason to preferentially buy a Mac.

This *is* getting a bit far afield.


Marc de Groot | Immersive Systems, Inc.
<> |
| Real VR for the net!
"It was stupidity that got us into this. Why can't it get us out?"

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