Re: Java? Ja no va., or is Java good ?

James Waldrop (
Wed, 06 Dec 1995 13:51:56 -0800

"Holger Grahn" wrote:
>Has anybody done a detailed performance/memory/intergration
>comparisions of different interpreted languags like perl, java, tcl,
>phyton, Meme, xlisp ?

Sun has. You can find the results in one of their Java white papers.

>The licensing page at say a license is more than 100.000 $.

Sure, but you don't need to license it just to write applets. Netscape
has paid that price, so has Spyglass, and now SGI.

>Are there any experts here having done such tests ?

Java esally is the only contender that meets most of the requirements
you've outlined. However, the VRML community is specifically NOT making
Java the sole behavior language for VRML 2.0.

I esally don't see what the issue is here. The spec will support many
languages. If you think Python is the thing you want to use, then make
it work with it. Java is merely a reference model.


James Waldrop                        /          Technical Director              /              Construct Internet Design               /        

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