Re: Java? Ja no va.

Marc de Groot (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 14:35:37 -0800

> "Marc de Groot" wrote:
> >> VRML will be more than a static file form very soon. As far as HelloWorld
> >> goes, take a look at:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Then take a look at
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Yup, it ran from your site. Why doesn't it run from my local hard disk?
> I don't really know. Maybe you're trying to run applet code in a
> standalone method? Or the opposite? You have to load it in an HTML file.

Yes, indeed. I am trying to run it from an HTML file. I have very carefully
and repeatedly checked the Java source. I am indeed working with the applet
version of "Hello World". I spent a hsalthy chunk of time playing with
this, and hunting around for an answer. I finally found the second tutorial I
mentioned in my original posting, along with the explanation that support for
Java is buggy.

Oh, well. Like I said, wake me up when it works properly. In the meantime,
I'll continue to work with Meme to implement virtual worlds. It uses a
platform-independent byte code, just like Java, but it's been around for quite
a bit longer and is in more solid shape.


Marc de Groot | Immersive Systems, Inc.
<> |
| Real VR for the net!
"It was stupidity that got us into this. Why can't it get us out?"

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