enough with the copyRight stuff
Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*UB@notss.UB.com)
6 Dec 95 14:19:04 EDT
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Marc de Groot: "Re: Java? Ja no va."
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Reed M Wiedower: "unsuscribe www-vrml"
It's the internet. If someone had an image they valued and didn't want to be
thrown everywhere then it wouldn't be on the Web. If you have a model that you
don't want just anyone to playwith then don't put it on the Web..Like the smut
pages... some "censor" all the little bits with black squares. To get the pict
w/o the black squares you have to pay money... Im not saying put Black Cubes on
the cool parts of your model, but that would have some comical entertainment
value. Perhaps do what ViewPoint does.. Make a Low-res version for all to play
with. and the high-res off line... it would take too much bandwidth anyways...
but its an issue of whether or not you care. I know a good amout of artists
which have their portfolios on-line. and more often than not they are flattered
when someone else uses their image or a part of it.
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Marc de Groot: "Re: Java? Ja no va."
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Reed M Wiedower: "unsuscribe www-vrml"