LANG: repeating textures

Adrian Scott (
Wed, 6 Dec 95 13:07:56 PST

Think I asked this question before, but don't recall seeing an answer.
maybe it's a Gavin (TM) question :)

How do you make a texture repeat like wallpaper or fabric,
rather than scaling itself to fit the size of the poly?

In my esading of the Spec (,
the Texture2 fields wrapS and wrapT default to

not CLAMP. the browsers i've seen appear to CLAMP
though. what's the scoop?

How would one create a cube with a repeated
wallpaper paper texture on it? I though it'd be as simple
as (the following VRML fragment):

Texture2 { filename "wallpaper.gif" }
Cube { }


P.S. See y'all at WWW4 -- I'll be at the VRML BOF, and at
VRML '95 (if anyone has crash space in S.D., please e-mail
me at

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