Re: WebFX's Sprite node

Mattmew Clementson (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:07:16 GMT

> Mattmew (or Mike?) does the Sprite node do the same, or does it
> include content along with the transform?
> If so, then lets see the definition rather than re-inventing the wheel.
> - Mitra

Ok, this is straight out of the WebFX beta documentation;

This node basically creates a polygon that is always axis aligned
with the Camera, with the specified URL texture mapped onto the
polygon. ...


Sprite {
fields [SFString texture]
texture ""

I realise that this doesn't quite do the same thing as your proposal
as it doesn't realign any VRML objects only a texture map. However,
for the purpose of a billboard object this technique could work
reasonably well.

Mattmew Clementson -

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