Java? Ja no va.

Marc de Groot (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 09:10:07 -0800

This is from the Java tutorial at

This is the applet: Hello World!

Note that right now this example only works with the appletviewer.
It does not work with HotJava or with Netscape 2.0. This is because
HotJava only supports alpha applets and because Netscape 2.0's Java
support is buggy.

I think I will stick to doing VR programming in Meme. Java just puts me to

Somebody wake me up when VRML is more than a static file format, and browsers
can run the "Hello World" program successfully.


Marc de Groot | Immersive Systems, Inc.
<> |
| Real VR for the net!
"It was stupidity that got us into this. Why can't it get us out?"

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