Re: Assigning Textures to Cylinders and Cones.
Pioneer Joel (
Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:35:27 -0700 (MST)
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> 2) Is there an object animation node? ...object from point a to point b over
> time t?
That would be a really great, simple behavior to have
out by the end of December. Don't you think?
DEF XXX Cube {}
Move XXX{
from 0 0 0 #start point
to 3 4 0 #end point
in 5 #number of seconds
Anyway, just wishing out
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Marc de Groot: "Java? Ja no va."
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Pioneer Joel: "Re: Assigning Textures to Cylinders and Cones."
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K MacArthur: "Assigning Textures to Cylinders and Cones."
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: Assigning Textures to Cylinders and Cones."