On a lighter side... VR Fiction

Scatt (ex240@cleveland.freenet.edu)
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 22:06:53 -1000

Hello my ViRtual friends:

If anyone is interested, I created a little "short story" to do with =
Virtual Reality back in '92. It is very futuristic, and somewhat Jaron =
Lanier like. But I won't call it good, because I wrote it.=20

I would love if any of you would esad it and tell me what you thought..

It's not copyrighted, so do with it as you please.. But, if anyone would =
like to use it for an article (although I don't think it's that good), I =
wouldn't mind taking the credit... hs ma

Please find it along with some other interesting stories at my homypage, =

Look for "The Old One's"


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