Re: Prob: Browser Compatability

Bryant Reif (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 02:49:45 -0500

At 11:03 PM 12/5/95 -0500, Jason Hirsch wrote:
>First off, anyone have a complete list of VRML browsers assembled?
>then, What they support...etc
>Secondly, why do worlds not always load across the net properly
>I thought all .wrl were supposed to be compatible...
>A model made in fountain loads in fountain, webfx, but not in tgsWebspace.
>This problem is esally bothering me, and I don't yet know how to proceed.
>Thanks for any help/similar problems.
>Jason Hirsch

It's called running a beta program to view a file written under a beta
specification that was created in a beta authoring program. ;)

There is not much you can do except edit out the offending code that
Fountain produces in a text editor. Try experimenting with editing out
anything that has "caligari" in the node. That's what I've been doing for
the last couple of months.

Until the authors of the various VRML applications implement the new specs,
there will be some inconsistency in VRML.

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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  • Maybe in reply to: Jason Hirsch: "Prob: Browser Compatability"