Re: Fountain.

Bryant Reif (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 02:31:30 -0500

At 05:05 PM 12/5/95 -0500, Reed M Wiedower wrote:
>What is fountain? I've been doing all of my VRML editing with a
>text-editing program (Microsoft Notepad). It works fine, but fountain
>sounds much easier. Where can I get s mold of it? I'm on a P5-60 running
>WIN 95, with Netscape and Webspace.

Fountain is a VRML authoring program from caligari. It is based on their
trueSpace 3D software. At this time version .91 can be freely downloaded at...

I haven't had time to properly test the new version (.9 had some bugs), but
I assume that they fixed most of the problems. Using fountain is very easy,
far easier than hand-coding.

In my opinion the greatest VRML combination is: Model in <insert you
favorite modeling software here>, convert to VRML in Fountain, and edit the
code by hand in a text editor.

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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