Re: Microsofts VRML Plug-in

Bryant Reif (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 01:40:05 -0500

At 08:44 AM 12/5/95 -0500, Richard Tilmann wrote:
>On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Anthony T. Guntharp wrote:
>> Maybe I missed it somewhere but I am still unable to locate Microsofts VRML
>> plug-in for Internet Explorer......I am also having a problem using files
>> with a rgb extension such as "sample.rgb" as a texture map to help cover
>> objects. I am using TGS Webspace to view these objects and it keeps
>> ignoring the rgb file. It also comes back with an unsupported message. Any
>> help to resolving these problems would be appreciated.
>Have you consered switching to Netscape and WebFX?

I second this motion. I have pretty much used every vrml viewer out there
and WebFX is the best. WebSpace is still very good but WebFX is so much
faster. I found WebSpace to be too slow on my computer (P120 16RAM),
although it displays textures very well. Right now nothing can beat the
Netscape 2.0Beta3/WebFX Beta3 combo for the PC.

P.S. I don't have any ties to PaperInc, they simply make great software and
I think others will be as pleased with WebFX as I am.

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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