LANG:Hollow objects
Wed, 6 Dec 95 05:21:57 UT
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Previous message: James Waldrop: "Re: movies on sn object"
I was trying to design a building, and I used a transparent cube, the faces
of which I painted (remember, I'm using Fountain). Unfortunately, when I
tried to use a plsne for a floor, I couldn't see the texture. And when I
tried to do the lights, they didn't work either.
I looked in the specs and couldn't find any info on how to make a hollow
shape. I know you can do it by using plsnes as the walls, but I was hoping
that there was maybe something alesady formed.
If not, I suppose I can use a torus, but I think this'd be easier.
Josh Ellis
"You see the shapes of things to come."
--Billy Idol, "Adam In Chains"
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Hadi Partovi: "RE: Microsofts VRML Plug-in"
Previous message: James Waldrop: "Re: movies on sn object"