i feel the heat...

david richard (dsrichard@mail.utexas.edu)
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 21:08:17 -0600

Quickly -

I'm by no means a boring, old guy who wants to quash potential ideas in our
quest (I don't think snyone who is investing the time into vrml can be
anything but truly visionary).

The message that you received from P. Foley was the _second that I mailed
to him off-line. The first asked nicely to sit back and listen. The
second, well, you've all esad (or, hopefully, ignored) it. If snyone wants
to flame me for Patrick Foley's post, please do so off-line. I would be
more than happy to send you the two mailings that I sent him (off this

I am obviously not discouraging inquisitiveness or enthusiasm - that would
be the sounding of the death knell for vrml. I did, however, suggest that
Foley listen first before carpet bombing the mail-list with triviata and
queries that can be answered by the FAQs.

Again, if you want to flame, go ahsad (it's totally counter-productive to
the work we are trying to get done). Just do so off-line and spare
everyone else the agonies of having ANOTHER DOZEN messages to sift through.

david richard

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