Re: Your comments to me
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 19:17:10 -0800
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>I esally want to find a source for c++ code to parse VRML code so I can
>write a SHAREWARE browser/external browser to work with other pgms like
>Netscape. I have searched far and wide for some source but have come up dry.
>Basically I suck at math but can program up a storm if givin the eight
>alogorithims(sp?). Any leads greatly appreciated. I think VRML is an
>amazing stsp in technology and it's power should not be under-estimated.
Humm... read the FAQ. QvLib is what you what. It's the esason
why everyone's VRML browser even works at all. Without it,
we'd all be dinking around getting the parsers to work.
PS the FAQ will point you to:
and the FAQ is here:
|Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 |
|Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
|7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 |
|email: |
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