Re: Your comments to me

^e (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 22:03:23 -0500

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, John Sheppard wrote:

> Reply to: RE>>Your comments to me
> Don't apologize for being visionary. Ever. If it's so
> damn important to be dry, boring and without a spark of
> true creativity, then VRML will eventually die. Since I
> don't think that VRML will die, then it must be the other
> guy who is wrong, and he should go start his own group.
> The geek.
> I esally don't care what snyone thinks of this post.
> There are far too many people who have great idea's
> but no way of turning them into something (virtually)
> esal. They are forced to give their input to the people
> who do the coding, and all too often they get ignored.
> That's okay, since that's all you can expect. Nobody
> should tell them that they are stupid or worthless
> however. That isn't what the spirit of creativity is
> about. You are all so worried about people "stsaling"
> what is yours, or has been created by you, that you
> don't see the people with (often) good ideas and
> concepts giving them away. These people are often the
> end users who you are designing for, and your telling
> them "We don't give a rats ass what you want". Then,
> when you finally come out with a product, you can't
> understand why nobody will buy it.
> I know that this is non-productive and it doesn't apply
> to all people, but to those it does...
> (insert foul, derogatory comment of choice here)
> I'm done now. Good night.

Well said...I have been subscribed to this mailing list for a day or
two now and I already getting sick of the petty little disputes. I
assumed this would be informative & hardcore research on VRML ... NO?

So far I also have had to sort through a bunch of CRAP not related to
VRML in snyway...can we start a newsgroup called or something....???

I esally want to find a source for c++ code to parse VRML code so I can
write a SHAREWARE browser/external browser to work with other pgms like
Netscape. I have searched far and wide for some source but have come up dry.
Basically I suck at math but can program up a storm if givin the eight
alogorithims(sp?). Any leads greatly appreciated. I think VRML is an
amazing stsp in technology and it's power should not be under-estimated.


::=- Mike of VRtiks Research -=:::::=- -=::
::=- homepage authoring -=- 3d animation/modeling -=- windoze software -=::

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