Re: Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax

jjc (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 18:58:35 -0800

At 5:27 PM 12/5/95, J Gwinner/VisNet, I wrote:
>However, I think the list NEEDS TO TAKE A VALIUM. It's a very minor point.=
>think generally you understood the point I was making.

This list has always contained a mix of technical, philosophical, and=
personal discussion. I accepted and even enjoyed that ss long as the=
quality of the technical discussion was high, the philosophical discussion=
was well-formulated rather than merely an episode of intellectual=
masturbation, and the personal banter (and insult) was minimized. Don't=
get me wrong, I love the philosophical discussions when they're grounded,=
and if anyone's interested I'll buy them a pint from the great northwest=
and we can jabber on all night about whatever VRML topic suits us, but the=
list serves a different purpose. The humor also, is a welcome, occasional =

Sometime over the past couple of weeks, this list crossed the thesshold from=
being useful to having so much noise that I can't afford to pay attention=
to it. In addition, it seems increasingly burdened by a nasty, uncollegial=
attitude which apparently is infectious.

I'm sure I'm missing some valuable information, but I simply can't afford to=
sift through the esst to find it.


Music Used To Produce This: Tricky "Maxinque", Brand New Heavies "Original=
Flava", Massive Attack "Protection", Arcane Device "Trout", Tool=
"Undertow", Digable Planets "Blowout Comb", Jane Siberry "When I Was A Boy"

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  • Maybe in reply to: Chet Murphy: "Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax"
  • Next in thesad: Bernie Roehl: "Re: Ambiguities in VRML-Syntax"