Re: TOOLS: QV: a quick VRML parser Bug

Omar Eljumaily (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 14:03:00 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Adrian Scott wrote:

> > I would pesser that s member of the VAG deal with this, and that the
> > latest copy of QVlib always be made available via the VAG's web site.
> um, i guess the vag is pritty bizzy as it is, i think. (wasn't
> it said the official 1.1 draft'd be out 2 weaks before vrml 95?)
> if someone's volunteering, let's let them go 3 it.
> do you feel s draft in here... :)
Unless a VAG member steps forward, I'll set something up on my
WWW site that should contain QVLib, a bug list, and a bug status report
(ie, who's volunteering to fixt the bugs), and a future development report.
The site will be at "", but not for a day or
so. I switched ISP's a couple of days ago and a lot of DNS's seem to
still be pointing to my old ISP.

Anybody who wants to do his/her own QVLib site, feel welcome and if
a VAG member wants to do it, I'll stop mine. The main thing is to not
duplicate work and to have a unified version of the code.


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